We have a COVID-19 Safety Plan
and are committed to keeping you safe.

Hummer Limousines is committed to ensuring the Health, Safety, and Welfare of our stakeholders (Guests, Staff, & Suppliers). In accordance with State & Federal guidelines, we have designed and implemented guidelines to provide a safe hiring environment and response plan to minimising the threat, exposure, and spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19).


Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases. COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new form of coronavirus


Symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild illness to pneumonia. Some people will recover easily, and others may become very sick very quickly. People with Coronavirus (Covid-19) may experience symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Runny Nose, Loss of sense of smell, Altered Sense of Taste, and Loss of Appetite
  • Respiratory Symptoms:
    • Coughing
    • Sore Throat
    • Shortness of Breath

Physical Distancing

Hygiene & Cleaning

Record Keeping

Wellbeing of Staff
& Customers

Six COVID Safe Principles

All businesses are required to have a COVIDSafe Plan according to State and Federal Guidelines. A COVIDSafe Plan applies the six COVIDSafe principles and set outs actions to help prevent the introduction of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in the workplace.

Hummer Limousines workplace is diverse and not limited to our vehicles, supplier experience locations, sightseeing locations, dining location (Café, Restaurant, Pub / Bar, Winery, Brewery, Distillery, etc.), and pick up & drop locations (Hotels, Motels, Private Residence), and agreed collection points.

Our COVIDSafe Plan covers the following principles:

  1. Physical Distancing
  2. Wear a Face Mask
  3. Practise of Good Hygiene
  4. Keep records and act quickly if staff / guests become unwell.
  5. Avoid interaction in enclosed spaces
  6. Create workforce bubbles.


We request any guest travelling with Hummer Limousines is to abide by the following guidelines:

  • Should you be experiencing a fever (a temperature of 37.5 degrees or greater), or you are displaying symptoms of Covid-19, please do not travel and/or participate in your private tour with us. We ask that you contact the Hummer Limousines office to make alternative arrangements.
  • We encourage you to download the COVIDSAFE App from Australian Government Health Department website. The COVIDSafe app is a tool that helps identify people exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19). It helps us support and protect you, your friends and family, and used for contact tracing purposes.
  • At the commencement of all bookings, Guest Contact Details (Name / Phone Number) is being collected for the purpose of contact tracing in the event of a suspected coronavirus (COVID-19) case with this booking or others. All details will be recorded and kept for a minimum of 28 days from the date stated on top of this page. Your information will not be released to the public or shared with any third party except the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, who will use it to contact people who may have been exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19). The information collected will be destroyed after 28 days.
  • A digital thermometer is available in the hummer for temperature checks of each passenger.
  • Guests will take reasonable steps to maintain a Social Distancing of 1.5 metres where possible and applicable.
  • Coughing or Sneezing – cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and put used tissue in the bin after use. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, NOT YOUR HANDS. WASH your hands with soap and running water. Dry your hands thoroughly with a disposable paper towel or hand dryer.
  • Washing Hands – before and after eating, coughing or sneezing, going to the toilet, touching potentially contaminated surfaces, changing tasks, and after any experiences. We ask that you wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Hummer Limousines prides itself on providing a safe working and booking environment free from any forms of bullying, harassment, and anti-social behaviour. Any form of this type of conduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.


We require any staff working for Hummer Limousines to abide by the following guidelines:

  • Before commencing work, our staff will complete a Staff Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Questionnaire.
  • Should a staff member be experiencing a fever (a temperature of 37.5 degrees or greater), or displaying symptoms of Covid-19, they will not work and remain at home.
  • Hummer Limousines staff members will be asked to seek medical attention and be tested for Coronavirus (Covid-19). Once tested, the Staff Member shall isolate until such time they receive a negative result for Covid-19.
  • We encourage all Staff Members to download the COVIDSAFE App from Australian Government Health Department website. The COVIDSafe app is a tool that helps identify people exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19). It helps us support and protect you, your friends and family, and used for contact tracing purposes.
  • Coughing or Sneezing – cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and put used tissue in the bin after use. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, NOT YOUR HANDS. WASH your hands with soap and running water. Dry your hands thoroughly with a disposable paper towel or hand dryer.
  • Washing Hands – before and after eating, coughing or sneezing, going to the toilet, touching potentially contaminated surfaces, changing tasks, and after any experiences. We ask that you wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.


Hummer Limousines has developed and implemented an extensive Vehicle Guideline to ensure the following:

  • Vehicle Cleaning Procedure will occur at the end of a booking, throughout a booking, and at the end of shift or day.
  • Our Vehicle Cleaning Procedure covers key touchpoints of our passengers (door handles, seats & seat belts, bar and bench area in limousine, head & arm rests, etc.) and drivers (steering wheel, dashboard & controls, door handles, indicator & wiper stalks, etc.).
  • As part of our Vehicle Cleaning Procedure, we use commercial grade sanitation products such as alcohol-based cleaners, disinfectant wipes, and personal protection equipment.
  • Hummer Limousines will supply Guests with hand sanitiser & tissues. Face masks and nitrile gloves are available upon request.
  • The vehicles carry’s additional supplies of hand sanitiser, tissues, face masks, nitrile gloves, gowns, bottled water, cleaning products, and a first aid kit.
  • Hummer Limousines reserves the right to allocate the appropriately sized vehicle and passenger seating plan for our guests travelling with us. This is to ensure safe physical distancing in accordance with the Victoria Government Guidelines.
  • All our bookings allow time for guests to embark and disembark from our vehicle for social distancing, any cleaning requirements that is required, and arrival at pick up or drop points for the booking.
  • The vehicle will always have fresh air circulating where possible.
  • Should Hummer Limousines become aware of any potential threat or exposure, and/or guest testing positive for Coronavirus (Covid-19), the vehicle will be removed from service and given “Deep Clean”.


Hummer Limousines engages with various suppliers to deliver our experiences as part of our bookings. We request that our guests and staff abide by our Supplier Guidelines.

  • Each of our Suppliers are required to follow and comply with State & Federal Guidelines in having a COVIDSafe Plan.
  • Guests and Staff will follow the directions of our Supplier’s COVIDSafe Plan and any instructions given via our Supplier for the experience.
  • Guests and Staff will take reasonable steps to maintain a Social Distancing of 1.5 metres where possible and applicable. This will ensure our experiences are capable of being performed in a safe manner and environment.


In the event you are cancelling due to Coronavirus (Covid-19), Hummer Limousines asks that you contact us directly, your agent, and/or booking supplier on how to proceed with your booking.

Whilst your Health, Safety, and Wellbeing is of the utmost importance, Hummer Limousines will use it best endeavours to remedy the situation, but not limited to:

  1. Payment has been received, you can:
    i) Reschedule the booking for a future date at the same price you originally paid.
    ii) Have a Gift Voucher issued to the value of your booking, which is valid for 12 months thereof.
  2. Should you be seeking a refund, then deductions for any experiences and/or out of pocket expenses may be applied, and/or the Terms & Conditions of our Cancellation Policy will apply.


We request that any guest showing signs or symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19) not to travel, and/or participate in your booking with us. Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Runny Nose, Loss of sense of smell, Altered Sense of Taste, and Loss of Appetite.
  • Respiratory Symptoms:
    • Coughing
    • Sore Throat
    • Shortness of Breath

Should a guest show signs and symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19) during a booking, Hummer Limousines will implement the following procedure:

  • Should the guest show signs of shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, the staff member will call Emergency Services for urgent medical assistance.
  • The guest will be isolated from other guests and provided with a face mask, nitrile gloves, and bottle of water.
  • The Staff Member will advise Hummer Limousines Management and contact Victorian State Government Coronavirus (Covid-19) Hotline on 1800 675 398.
  • The Staff Member will follow the directions of Victorian State Government Coronavirus (Covid-19) Hotline.
  • The Staff Member will log all instructions / directions from Hummer Limousines Management and Victorian State Government Coronavirus (Covid-19) Hotline.
  • Arrangements will be made to transport the guest to a facility where they can isolate or seek medical attention, as required.
  • To minimise exposure to other guests, alternative transport arrangements may be required. This includes another vehicle sent to collect the guests, taxi and/or ride share service to be used.
  • Hummer Limousines will make available our Guest Contact Log to the Contact Tracing Team at Department Health & Human Services.
  • Based on advice or direction from Department Health & Human Services, Hummer Limousines will advise guests of any close contacts or potential exposure to Coronavirus (Covid-19) along with any advice regarding testing and quarantine requirements.
  • Hummer Limousines will review our CovidSAFE Plan, Covid-19 Response Plan, and Covid-19 Risk Management Controls every 6 months in consultation with our stakeholders or as directed by State or Federal Government Guidelines to include any changes, amendments, and/or control measures.


Hummer Limousines has participated and completed industry based training to be recognised as a CovidSafe and Covid Ready business. We have met the requirements set via industry bodies of:

  • Australian Government Department of Health – Aspen Medical – Infection Control Training – COVID-19
  • DRVR Driver Training – Hygiene Awareness for Passenger Transport Drivers


Should you require any additional information or have questions regarding the Hummer Limousines CovidSAFE Plan or Covid-19 Response Plan, please do not hesitate to contact our office on 1800HUMMER (1800 486637) or email: bookings@hummerlimos.au