Terms and Conditions of Hire

HUMMER LIMOUSINES PTY LTD (operating in Vic. & NSW.)
PRW PRESTIGE (operating in QLD.)

Hiring of Hummer Limousines (Summary):

Missing or Damaged Equipment or fittings to the vehicle:

  • If there is any deliberate or malicious damage done to the vehicle, then the repair will be quoted at a cost with an additional administration fee charged by Hummer Limousines.

Repairs to Vehicle:

  • Any repairs that are required will be appropriately quoted by a qualified repairer.

Missing or Broken Glasses:

  • There will be a surcharge of $15 for each glass that is deliberately broken whilst the car is being hired. (Champagne flutes and tumblers)

Cleaning Fee:

  • Any additional cleaning fees due to inappropriate or irrational behaviour will be charged at a flat rate of $300. (This includes carpet steam clean and wash down inside vehicle.)

Payment Details:

  • 30% deposit of total cost is due upon booking confirmation. The balance is due on the day of hire, or prior to hire, unless pre arranged with management.
  • Cash, postal order and bank cheque transactions are fee free. Credit card transactions attract the following fees: 2% Visa and MasterCard. 6% Amex

The Responsibility of the Hirer:

  • The hirer shall be responsible for the behaviour of all passengers and shall be primarily responsible for any damage caused to the vehicle whatsoever.
  • The hirer shall be fully responsible and liable for any damage caused both inside and outside the vehicle by the hirer or a member of his or her party. This includes irrational behaviour resulting in damage to the vehicle or its contents by a third party. The hirer must fully agree to be held liable for the retail cost of any repair as a consequence of any damage caused. The hirer further agrees that the company may at its entire discretion determine the repairer that will fix the damage to the vehicle.
  • In addition, the hirer shall be responsible for payment of a fixed rate, which shall be determined by the company, at its sole discretion for the period during which the vehicle cannot be used as a consequence of said damage and repairs. That notwithstanding, the hirer shall also be responsible for any further losses which are incurred as a result of lost bookings.
  • The hirer holds the company, its agents or employees harmless of any liability for any personal or material damages arising from the conduct of his or her party.
  • The company, its agents or employees shall not be held liable or responsible for any articles left in the vehicle and the hirer specifically indemnifies the company, its agents or employees from any such responsibility and undertakes to advise all other persons in his or her party.
  • The consumption of food is not permitted in any of the vehicles unless specific agreement has been made to the contrary at the time of the booking and agreed in writing.
  • Where complimentary drinks are supplied by Hummer Limousines, these must be consumed in the vehicle and may not be removed for any reason whatsoever. In the event that drinks are removed, then the company may at its discretion, recover the replacement cost from the hirer.
  • Hummer Limousines will not allow red wine to be consumed in the vehicle at any time.
  • Karaoke is supplied for your entertainment. Any abuse or misuse of equipment e.g. microphones and remotes will result in use of such items and service being terminated immediately. This includes swearing into microphones, shouting abuse, and or directing abuse from vehicle so it can be heard outside. This and any other behavior deemed to be inappropriate by the sole discretion of the chauffeur will result in lost of service immediately. Damaged and or lost microphone/s or remotes are the responsibility of the hirer and will incur a charge. Microphone $200 per item. Remote $200 per item
  • As stated below, Hummer limousines can and will recover any money for loss of property that is provided in the limousine. This includes, but is not limited to; glassware, cushions, bar equipment, DVD’s, CD’s.
  • The hirer accepts the fact that there is to be a no smoking policy in the vehicle at all times. This is in accordance with the Bus Accreditation rules and regulations policy.
  • The company does not permit the consumption of illicit drugs whilst in the vehicle. Failure to comply may result in the termination of hire.
  • Irresponsible behaviour that causes damage to the vehicle or endangers the safety of the other passengers will not be condoned. This includes, but is not restricted to; sitting on the exterior of the vehicle, hanging out of the windows, shouting abuse, rudeness or intolerance with the chauffeur, arguing with the chauffeur, misuse of the equipment, fixtures or consumables in the vehicle and wilful damage to the interior generally.
  • Also, opening of the emergency hatch is forbidden. This is for emergencies only, and fines will apply if not adhered to. Such behaviour may, at the discretion of the chauffeur, and Hummer Limousines, will result in the immediate termination of the hire without compensation. In addition, the hirer shall be held liable and responsible for any loss, howsoever caused, by the behaviour of his or her party.
  • The hirer accepts that the DVD and CD equipment is provided as a courtesy. In the event that the equipment fitted to the vehicle malfunctions prior to or during the hire, Hummer limousines accepts no liability whatsoever and no compensation shall be provided, nor will the company provide a refund.
  • In the event that a vehicle is involved in an accident or suffers from mechanical failure, or is no longer safe to drive, then the company shall make alternative arrangements to get the hirer and his or her to their destination. The company may at its entire discretion determine the method of onward travel. The hirer specifically accepts that the hire is based on a best endeavours of Hummer Limousines, and we will do anything in our power to assist where appropriate. There can be no specific guarantees in terms of time, reliability of the vehicle and events out our of the direct control of the chauffeur or the company.
  • Alcohol may not be consumed by passengers under the age of 18 years. It is the law, and Hummer limousines will not allow any underage drinking.

Refund Policy:

  • To make a reservation the hirer is required to pay a deposit of 30% of the hire charge, unless there has been a prior arrangement made with management.
  • The hirer may cancel their booking within 14 days of payment of the deposit, and receive their deposit back less a $100 administration fee.
  • If the hirer cancels their booking after 14 days of booking, their deposit will not be refunded.
  • If the hirer cancels their booking within 14 days prior to the date, the full hire amount is to be paid by the hirer.
  • If the hirer books within 14 days of the booking date, then cancels, the hirer will forfeit the deposit in full.
  • Photo ID will be required to identify the card holder of the credit card if this has been used for payment.
  • Cheques are only accepted by prior agreement with management of Hummer Limousines.
    Any payments by credit card will attract an administration fee of 2% MasterCard and Visa and 6% for Amex.
  • Payments by Cash, Money-Order or bank-cheque, are fee-free.

Cancellation Fee

  • A $100 administration fee applies for all cancellations.

Package Pricing

  • Prices are subject to change without notice, lunch package prices may vary through seasons.

Definitions of words outlined above:

These Terms and conditions apply to the person/people hiring the vehicle unless otherwise stated.

  • The Hire date is the date that the booking is made for.
  • The Hiring person is the person responsible for the payment of the hire.
  • The Hire time is the amount of time that the vehicle is hired or reserved for.
  • The Chauffeur is the driver of the vehicle.
  • The Vehicle is any on of Hummer Limousines Fleet, Being Stretched Hummers.
  • The Booking is the period for which the hirer has committed to the hire and the full amount of the hire for that date has been paid.


    1. The health and safety of You, members of the booking and our staff is of utmost importance to us. Ensure that you read and familiarise yourself with Our COVID -19 Safe Plan prior to your booking.
    2. No participant in a booking may attend if they are unwell in any way.
    3. The details of each participant in the booking must be provided to in advance of the Hire Date, including their addresses and mobile telephone numbers for the purposes of contact tracing.
    4. In taking your Booking, we have considered and planned for the health and safety of all members of the booking, taking into account any government regulations or restrictions, particularly around COVID-19.
    5. You are required to attend the booking with your own face mask. If the Driver is not satisfied with the efficacy of your face mask, you will be required to wear a disposable face mask provided by Us.
    6. The numbers for the booking are strictly based on health and safety concerns. For these reasons, the following conditions apply:
      1. The number of members of the booking must be accurately disclosed at the time of making your booking. It is in Our ultimate discretion as to the numbers of persons and identity of persons who can take part in any booking.  Should you seek to add additional persons or substitute persons on the day of the booking the booking will be cancelled;
      2. Our drivers will give specific instructions in relation to the seating of members of the booking and other health and safety matters. You and the members of Your party must strictly adhere to these directions at all times;
      3. Our driver will issue directions regarding physical health and safety measures. This will include the wearing of masks at all times, the use of hand sanitiser, PPE and other hygiene measures.  You must comply with such directions;
      4. If You or a member of Your party appears to be unwell in any respect, particularly, the exhibiting of COVID-19 symptoms, at any point in the booking, the booking will be immediately cancelled;
      5. You and the members of your party must comply with any directions given by Our driver before, during and after the booking, including social distancing requirements or other COVID-19 precautions.
    7.  Should you fail to observe and comply with the obligations set out in this Clause 3, Our driver shall end the booking immediately and all monies paid by You for said Tour shall be retained by Us. You will not be entitled to the refund of any amounts paid to Us, in such circumstances.  You agree to these terms and waive any rights you may have in respect of such matters.
    8. In the event that a booking is cancelled in accordance with this Clause 3, You will be responsible for the transport of You and the members of your party from the point of termination of the booking. We are not obliged to transport you to the start or end point of the booking, or to any other locations, in these circumstances.
    9. In the event that You or a member of Your party acts (or omits to act) in a manner which puts the health and safety of Our driver, or other participants in the Tour who are not related to You and Your party (“Other Parties”) at risk, You shall be liable to Us and the Other Parties for any loss, damage, or other adverse consequences of such acts or omissions, including the refund of any amounts made at our discretion to Other Parties or to persons/business who would have benefited financially or otherwise from the booking proceeding as scheduled. Such amounts shall be calculated in Our discretion and charged to your credit card previously provided to Us.  You irrevocably agree to the charging of such amounts to your credit card and undertake to Us that You shall not dispute such charges with Us or your credit card provider.
    10. In the event that as a result of Your, or a member of Your party, failing to comply with these Terms and Conditions, a person becomes unwell or contracts any type of sickness, particularly COVID-19, You shall compensate that person for any financial or medical loss. You irrevocably agree to the charging of such amounts to your credit card and undertake to Us that You shall not dispute such charges with Us or your credit card provider.
    11. You and the members of your party irrevocably waive and discharge Us from any liability associated with You or a member of your party suffering financially, medically or otherwise detrimentally due to a health and safety matter.
    12. You are obliged to provide each person attending the booking under your Booking a copy of these Terms and Conditions and Our COVID SAFE PLAN and ensure that each such person has read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions and Our COVID SAFE PLAN.